1. Does the FL Department offer credit by examination?



2. Does the department give credit for AP Exams?

是的. 参加AP语言考试的学生如果获得3分或更高的分数,将获得5个学分. If both the langu年龄 and literature 考试 were taken, students may receive an additional 5 units of elective credit. These credits count toward the AA degree at Valley College. AP成绩也可以用来证明IGETC的外语水平. 然而,如果你打算转学到一所大学,请见山谷学院的辅导员. 除了世界语言系的AP政策外,你还需要考虑你计划转学的大学的AP学分政策. 科罗拉多州立大学各校区, 加州大学各校区, 每所私立大学都有自己的政策,关于学分的可转移性,以及如何使用AP考试来满足专业要求.


3. I took the AP Exam in Spanish 语言 and received a score of 4. What class should I enroll in?

You may enroll in Spanish 5. 如果你的分数是3分,你应该考虑报读西班牙语4.


4. I took two years of high school Spanish but did not do very well. May I start with Spanish 1 again?



5. I am a native Spanish speaker. What class should I take?

如果你的母语是西班牙语,从来没有学过西班牙语,你应该参加西班牙语35. 西班牙语35相当于西班牙语1,强调阅读和写作,而不是说.


6. 我的母语是西班牙语,高中时学了两年西班牙语. What class should I take?

You may enroll in Spanish 36, which is the equivalent of Spanish 2, but with an emphasis on reading and writing. If you did very well in your high school courses, you may enroll in Spanish 3, which is a review of grammar and an introduction to reading.
Native speakers of any langu年龄, 如果您计划转学到加州大学,请注意以下事项:如果您在另一个国家接受过教育,至少在9年级之TOP使用英语以外的语言, 你可能不会获得UC学分的任何低级别世界语言或文学课程在你的母语. You may receive UC credit for upper-division courses only. 如果你想在IGETC上使用你的母语水平,你必须出示成绩单来证明你在另一个国家的教育, 面积6.. If you do not have a transcript, 你必须选择一门不同的语言(不是你的母语)来满足IGETC. Please seea counselor or talk to a world langu年龄 instructor.


7. I enrolled in French 1 and found it to be too fast for me. 我该怎么办呢??

注册法语21. Then follow with French 22 the following semester. 法语21是一门3单元的课程,涵盖了法语1的一半内容. Together with French 22, they are the equivalent of French 1. Please note that UC gives credit for French 1 only when both are taken.


8. I enrolled in Spanish 1 and found it to be too fast for me. 我该怎么办呢??



9. 我对语法不感兴趣,想报一个会话班.

会话类有一个先决条件:你必须完成相当于两个学期之TOP,你可以注册会话. 请注意,会话课程不开放给母语为英语的人. 建议:对转学分不感兴趣并希望没有先决条件的对话课程的学生可能希望考虑通过社区服务提供的课程.


10. 我的西班牙语1(法语1)得了C,但我没有足够的信心进入下一阶段. 我该怎么办呢??

You may sign up in the 招生办公室 to audit the course, provided the instructor approves your audit. 旁听是一种你可以在没有正式注册的情况下坐在课堂上学习材料的方式. 不涉及分数,不给出单位,在你的大学成绩单上也没有课程记录. 我们还建议您注册西班牙语22(法语22),这是一级课程的后半部分. This will prepare you for the level 2 class. Please note that credit is not given for both Spanish 1 and Spanish 22. This is recommended only to help you master the subject matter.


11. 我的英语语法很差,我担心我不会学好一门世界语言. 我该怎么办?.

You may enroll in Spanish 50, English Grammar for Students of Spanish. 这是一门2单元的课程,推荐给需要复习英语语法基础的学生,以便在西班牙语课上取得成功. 本课程可以在报名参加世界语言课程之TOP进行,也可以与另一门西班牙语课程同时进行. Although a contrastive Spanish/English approach is used, students enrolled in French, 德国, Italian or ESL may also find it useful. Please note that this class does not carry transfer credit. It is not offered every semester.

许多学生在他们的世界语言课上取得了成功,尽管他们认为自己在语法上有弱点. Learning a world langu年龄 has in fact reinforced their English grammar.


12. 我想在同一学期选修西班牙语四和西班牙语五, but I notice that these are offered as a combined class. May I do extra work and sign up for both at the same hour?

No. Even though the class is combined each has its own course requirements.


13. I am from Latin America and studied Spanish in my country. I would like to sign up for Spanish 48, Spanish for Translation but I don't have the Spanish 3 requirement.

The pre-requisite is Spanish 3 or equivalent skill level. You may challenge the pre-requisite. Talk to the department chair to obtain the necessary forms.


14. 是西班牙语吗?, 36, 37人被加州大学和加州州立大学系统的所有分校录取?



15. 加州大学和加州州立大学系统的所有分校都接受西班牙语1吗?



16. Can I audit a World 语言 class?

是的. 加州教育法典76370允许社区学院允许个人旁听课程, 这是, 不参加课堂活动或不被要求参加考试. 其目的是为个人提供探索感兴趣领域的机会,而不受课堂活动或评估和评分的要求. 另一个目的是,教师不会因为个人旁听课程而需要额外的工作.

请注意,想要获得学分的学生将优先参加课程注册. 在审计的基础上注册的班级是在导师的自由裁量权. 学生必须在最后一天被添加为旁听生,以便在学期中添加课程.

最后, as the word “audit” indicates, 旁听生只会旁听课程,因此不会参加提问, 课堂活动, 考试, 办公时间, 等. At the discretion of the instructor, 审计学生可以获得可撤销的许可,参加导师认为适合其身份的活动. If you would like to guarantee your full participation in a class, 我们要求您通过支付相应费用向注册商进行全面注册.